Sunday, June 8, 2008

Update: More on Call's artwork

I received feedback regarding Diane Call's thesis work and how she came to focus on religion as a brand. I got in touch with her through email this past week and she's provided some additional insight into her artistic thought process:

"I was initially drawn to religious icons in Mexico while shopping for a friend who has an obsession for what she dubs 'tacky Jesus stuff,'" Call said.

Call bought a bracelet for herself while shopping, and the daughter of the woman in charge of the program then pointed to each saint on the bracelet and named it. "I was so impressed that I tried to learn a few - the history of the roles of these icons in Mexico (namely the Virgin of Guadalupe) was very fascinating to me."

The artist also notes the influence of Mexico's history in her process; "The conquest (of Mexico) was funded by the church, so in order to continue it was necessary for Spaniards to convert the native Mexicas. (The Virgin of) Guadalupe essentially functioned as a selling point for the church to relate to the natives, so I wanted to discuss these icons in today's term of brands," Call said.

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