Call managed to complete her third piece after all; her artwork consisted of three boxes, constructed using poplar and birch. Her digital prints, on wet media acetate, were then stretched, glued to the poplar squares and inserted into the frames. Florescent lights were mounted directly to the boxes, lighting them from behind. The prints, as mentioned before, were made primarily with Adobe Photoshop.
The card next to Call’s work read: “This piece strives to visually explore the nature of religious branding. Religious imagery has been used to target specific audiences, functioning as the continuous process of branding. This work is a deconstruction of the messages used by the church to proliferate certain markets to appeal to a larger demographic.”
Photos of other pieces in Instant Messaging:
You Already Knew, Bridget Litzinger
Paper with a Conscious, Robin Bundi
Biel's work with Pattern as Identity (Shelley Stansbery) in the background
My First Virtue, Michael Bosyj
Update: A description of each of the 17 artists' works can be found on the Instant Messaging Web site
I really like the photos in this section, especially the pictures of Call's work. I guess I'm always drawn to the psychological, but I'd really like to know more of what drew her to the topic. I'd also like to know more about the requirements for these students within the text. How was the name for the show chosen?
The pictures on this post are absolutely amazing! I feel like I was there! Nice job of taking photos with an eye for what the viewer would want to see!
Just one question - what do they do with the projects once the gallery exhibit is finished? It might be interesting to see the tear-down process too.
Again, great photos! The close-up shots of different art are great, but I would maybe like to see pictures of more zoomed-out shot of the whole gallery if possible. Maybe something that would give you the effect of what walking into the gallery is like... by the way, have you tried putting together a picture slideshow on Flickr or something? That would also be a great way to show off your photos and maybe throw in a few more that didn't make the cut for the front page.
I agree with Shari--it would be really interesting to see the tear-down process.
Again, great job!!!
This was great. I was wondering where you were going to go next. You did a great job in the last post of talking about how ideas continue to grow throughout the process. There was a great use of pictures in this post, as always, and links, BUT I think if you cover any more shows make sure that you have the titles and perhaps the names of the artists under each one. All of the pieces look amazing and I wanted to know what they were called. Maybe you can do an update?
Hey Amelia, I've spoken to Diane about the name of the show (Instant Messaging), and this is what she's replied:
"We chose the name on a whim at the beginning of the quarter - we didn't have time to think on it
since we had to start working on the press release and promotions. One day in class we brainstormed
and voted the list down several times before landing on Instant Messaging.
It was hard to settle on one
because most of us had just gotten back from Mexico and were still figuring out the end result of our
projects. Since graphic design is all about communicating a message we thought this one would be the
most successful with the variety of our projects."
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